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Olive Leaf Extract Benefits

Discover the healing power of olive leaf extract.

The Mediterranean diet offers a series of benefits that prolong life and improve health. Olive oil, an important component of the Mediterranean diet, contains a unique compound called oleuropein that provides its characteristic astringent and pungent flavor. Oleuropein is responsible for most of the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and disease-fighting characteristics of olive oil. Olive leaves contain high amounts of oleuropein, making the olive leaf extract a valuable source of this nutrient without the need to consume large amounts of olive oil. The olive leaf was first used for medicinal purposes in Ancient Egypt and was a symbol of heavenly power.
Researchers are looking at the olive leaf's ability to prevent chronic diseases because it is a mainstay of the Mediterranean diet. Research indicates that populations adhering to this diet had reduced rates of illnesses and deaths associated to cancer. The potent and health-promoting properties of the olive leaf are partially responsible for the beneficial outcome.

Strong antioxidants included in olive leaf extract help to strengthen your immune system.
Antioxidants lower the risk of numerous illnesses by preventing the cell damage that leads to disease; however, studies suggest that olive leaf extract may also have other health benefits:

Olive Leaf Extract Health Benefits
Polyphenols make up the majority of olive leaf extract's antioxidants. Researchers think these nutrients from plants may help prevent diseases including cancer, osteoporosis, and cognitive decline.
Oleuropein is responsible for most of olive leaf's anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial properties in addition to its antioxidant action.
Olive leaf extract contains high amounts of oleuropein.



These characteristics suggest health benefits supported by research, such as:

Cardiovascular Health
According to research, olive leaf extract helps stop the accumulation of LDL (bad) cholesterol in your arteries. Your risk of heart disease is decreased by this effect, which also helps to lower blood pressure and boost blood flow.
A study with rats also refers to olive leaf extract’s usefulness in helping restore a regular heartbeat in patients with arrhythmia, although future research with human participants would be more conclusive.

Blood Pressure
Numerous studies show that taking supplements containing olive leaf extract significantly lowers high blood pressure. The extract's ability to both prevent and treat high blood pressure has also been demonstrated.
Blood arteries enlarge in tandem with a decrease in blood pressure, improving blood flow and minimizing damaged capillaries and varicose veins.
SCIENTIFIC STUDY 1: Olive leaf extract was tested in humans against a well-known prescription medication for the treatment of hypertension. Patients with stage 1 hypertension were split into two groups for this study, and each group received 500 mg of olive leaf extract or 12.5 mg of the medication twice a day.Following an 8-week course of therapy, the mean blood pressure of both groups decreased from baseline, with no discernible variation between them. To put it another way, the prescription medication and the olive leaf extract both worked nicely.
SCIENTIFIC STUDY 2: Similar findings were obtained from a second study that comprised 20 twin pairs. Within an 8-week trial, participants received either placebo capsules or capsules containing oleuropein, the primary element in olive leaf extract, according to research from Switzerland and Germany. Different therapies were given to pairs of twins. One of the study's co-authors, Aydogan, states, "The study confirmed that olive leaf extract has antihypertensive properties in humans."
Scientists concur that the extract's potency stems from its combination of antioxidants and other components; oleuropein, the most notable component, is found in olive leaf extract.



Olive Leaf Extract great for lowering cholesterol
The human body naturally contains fat called cholesterol, which is necessary for many of its processes. High cholesterol that is not under control might cause major health issues.
Olive leaf extract has potent anti-inflammatory properties and works in several ways to stop LDL cholesterol from oxidizing. External variables that raise the risk of oxidation include smoking and eating a high-fat diet. Low-density lipoproteins, or oxidized LDLs, are dangerous because they can cause artery inflammation, which increases your risk of atherosclerosis, a heart attack, or a stroke.
In addition, polyphenol compounds found in olive leaves help directly prevent the formation of arterial plaques, and help reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke by reducing the production and activity of a series of adhesion molecules. These substances cause white blood cells and platelets to stick to arterial walls, resulting in early plaque formation. Furthermore, olive leaf extract reduces the risk of tiny clots forming at sites of plaque to produce a stroke.

Reduced Diabetes Risk
Diabetes, one of the most prevalent illnesses in the western world, is caused by the body's inability to maintain blood glucose levels within the normal range. Olive leaves have been used for their ability to promote normal glucose levels since ancient times. Researchers at the University of Auckland in New Zealand have found a link between olive leaf extract and diabetes, showing that it can both raise the pancreas' production of insulin and reduce insulin sensitivity. Researchers showed that supplementing with polyphenols from olive leaves reduced insulin resistance by 15% on average during a 12-week period.

Olive Leaf Extract for a Stronger Immune System
A lower incidence of chronic illnesses, such as cancer, heart disease, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's disease, is linked to a Mediterranean diet. Olive leaf extract contributes to this trend by attacking and neutralizing bacteria and viruses using oleuropein.
Studies suggest oleuropein may inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells. Additionally, olive leaf extract may lessen upper respiratory infection severity and duration.

Olive leaf Extract and herpes
Olive leaf extract has been used as a home cure for thousands of years to treat herpes outbreaks and combat many infections, including the flu and colds. The primary ingredient in olive leaf extract, oleuropein, has been shown in scientific studies to improve immunological function when consumed orally. Experiments conducted in lab settings have demonstrated its potent virucidal properties, effectively eliminating viruses such as herpes simplex type I, type II, and zoster.
It is common knowledge that immune system disorders or stress increase the risk of herpes outbreaks. Oleuropein fortifies immune defenses and stimulates the immune system. Fighting herpes outbreaks requires a robust immune system; when it is functioning well, herpes outbreaks are less common and can be prevented for years at a time.
In addition to its therapeutic effects against dental infections and other urinary tract diseases, oleuropein can also prevent viral multiplication.

Control of Weight
Although further human study is required, preliminary findings indicate that the oleuropein in olive leaf extract lowers the risk of obesity and avoids unintended weight gain.
In laboratory trials, oleuropein decreased body fat and weight gain in mice fed high-fat and high-cholesterol diets. It also reduced the amount of food consumed, suggesting that olive leaf extract could help regulate appetite and overindulgence in food

Best Antioxidant
One of the most significant antioxidant herbs and a potent natural free radical scavenger is olive leaf extract. Out of 55 medicinal herbs, research from Southern Cross University (SCU) in Australia has shown that the olive leaf is the most effective antioxidant in scavenging free radicals. Oleuropein is significantly more potent than several of the so-called "super fruits," including noni, goji, mangosteen, and acai, and it has greater antioxidant capacity than vitamin C. It also aids in preventing strokes and age-related degenerative disorders like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's from causing damage to the brain and central nervous system.

Health Risks
Nutritional supplements like olive leaf extract are not regulated by organizations like the Food and Drug Administration. However, since olive leaves have long played a significant role in the Mediterranean diet, the majority of people believe the extract to be safe.
Consult your doctor before using olive leaf extract if you are on prescription medication or managing a health problem. Sources

Discover more about Verdepuro Vita, the liquid olive leaf extract Made in Italy


Olive leaf extract benefits - testimonials

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